Wednesday, February 29, 2012


You can consider my lack of entries this past month as a show for how much I've been enjoying my time here.

So, I have too much to catch up on. What a journey this has been!!!


Two weekends ago I adventured out (when I say out, I mean 10 hours both ways), 
to Semuc Champey, Coban.
 This is the 'farthest out in the middle of nowhere', Guatemala I have been.

...But man, what beauty!!

Hannah and I got dropped off, alone, in this rustic cabin:

Where in the morning we were greeted by one of God's creations that make you wonder "WHY God!?" :

...(I named him Satan).

But we put our big girl panties on and ..
                                                           took the long way around to leave the cabin ASAP.


Our day included some company:

A guide.
 Who was a human-monkey. 
This man knew how to HIKE, SWIM, RUN, and JUMP  at ungodly speeds. 
I never knew it was possible to be so fit.


Four very cute Brazillian boys.


After the hike of death up a steep mountain-side we were rewarded with incredible views.
 Wow, God really took time painting this place. 


Covered in sweat and stinky, we stripped down to our suits and dove in!!!

Our crazy guide took us sliding down waterfalls feet first,
swimming under the waterfalls into caves so small you could only fit one head at a time,
and jumping of a 200 ft. bridge. (or higher, it was ridiculous). 


After our lunch, we floated down the river in tubes. 
It wasn't untill after the float I was informed of the crocs and snakes that surround this river. Lovely.


 I was unable to bring my camera inside, thank the Heavens, because we were submerged in water almost the whole time;
We were each given one candle. This was our form of light.
We adventured into the dark Guatemalan caves for about an hour and a half.
Sliding down dark waterfalls in pitch dark, swimming through pools of water not knowing what's around you, having bats fly around your head,
looking behind and seeing a dark hole of nothing,
but then looking above you and seeing the rock carved away by thousands of years, 
I still can't believe I got to do that. 

Thank you Lord,
What an incredible day.

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